Global Soils Conference 2024

Caring Soils Beyond Food Security:

Climate Change Mitigation & Ecosystem Services

NASC Complex, New Delhi, India | 19-22 November 2024

Call for Paper

Abstract submission is closed now.

Original contributions are invited related to any of the theme areas listed above for presentation in the conference. Abstracts to be submitted in MS word format limited up to 300 words. All submitted conference papers will be peer reviewed by the publication committee and published in the form of proceedings. All invited lead and key note presentations will be published in the special issue of Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science (JISSS) or in special publication either by Springer or Elsevier. Conference abstract book (in soft copy only) and certificate of presentation will be distributed to the conference participants. For more details, please visit the website (

Oral Presentation

A copy of the presentation is required to be submitted by the participants. The organizing committee reserves the right to decide the mode of presentation depending on the content of the abstract, number of papers and merits of paper based on originality/novelty of research work on the themes of conference.

Poster Presentation

The size of the poster shall be 100 cm length × 75 cm width briefly showing Title, Introduction, Methodology, Significant Findings (along with not more than three tables/figures/photographs) and bulleted Summary. The poster shall be made attractive, brief, composed on a single sheet with appropriate colour scheme so that the content is readable from a distance of at least one meter. The poster display requires conforming to the above standards and pasting of several small pieces of black and white A4 papers should be avoided. A two-page handout (say 50 copies) on the poster may be brought for the visitors. A soft copy of poster is to be submitted to the organizer for making it accessible to the participants either through email or available onsite in a pen drive during the conference.

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