
Honorary Members of the Indian Society of Soil Science

Dr. Selman A. Waksman

Dr. J.N. Mukherjee

Dr. S.P. Raychaudhuri
New Delhi

Dr. Victor A. Kovda
Moscow, Russia

Dr. N.R. Dhar

Dr. Charles E. Kellog

Dr. J.S Kanwar

Dr. D. R. Bhumbla
Ludhiana - 141012

Dr. S.K. Mukherjee

Dr. T.D. Biswas
New Delhi

Dr. N.S. Randhawa

Dr. J.S.P. Yadav
New Delhi

Prof. S.C. Mandal

Dr. L.D. Swindale, Honolulu
Hawai, USA

Dr. S.S. Khanna
New Delhi

Dr. G.S. Sekhon

Dr. N.N. Goswami
New Delhi

Dr. I.P. Abrol
New Delhi

Dr. G. Dev

Dr. K.G. Tejwani
New Delhi

Dr. S.S. Prihar

Dr. N. Panda Bhubaneswar

Dr. W.E.H. Blum

Dr. M. Velayutham

Dr. I.V. Subba Rao

Dr. L.N. Mandal

Prof. Sant Singh

Dr. D.K. Das Delhi

Dr. Anil Kumar Singh

Dr. P.K. Chhonkar
New Delhi

Dr. Rattan Lal

Dr. R.P. Dhir

Dr. Gyorgy Varallyay

Dr. G. Narayanasamy
New Delhi

Dr. J.C. Katyal

Dr. J.S. Samra

Dr. P.N. Takkar
New Delhi

Dr. R.K. Rattan
New Delhi

Dr. D.K. Pal

Dr. N.S. Pasricha

Dr. S.K. Sanyal

Dr. B.P. Singh

Dr. V.S. Tomar

Dr. Ashim Kumar Sarkar

Dr. Jagdish Prasad

Dr. Himanshu Pathak
New Delhi

Dr. S.K. Chaudhari
New Delhi

Dr. C.L. Acharya

Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya


The Honorary Membership is conferred by the Council on an individual in recognition of his/ her outstanding contributions related to the objectives of ISSS, irrespective of his/ her membership of the ISSS and his/ her nationality.

Platnium Jublee Commemoration Award

1. Dr. J. S. Samra

2. Dr. P. N. Takkar

3. Dr. D. K. Pal

4. Dr. S. K. Sanyal

5. Dr. A. K. Sarkar

6. Dr. J. C. Tarafdar

7. Dr. A. Padma Raju

8. Dr. B.S. Dwivedi and Dr. Biswapati Mandal

9. Dr. Bijay Singh

10. Dr. S.K. Chaudhari

11. Dr. A.K. Patra

12. Dr. D.R. Biswas

13. Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao


The Platinum Jubilee Commemoration Award is conferred by the Council on an individual in recognition of his/ her outstanding contributions related to the objectives of ISSS, irrespective of his/ her membership of the ISSS and his/ her nationality.

Fellows of Indian Society of Soil Science

1. Dr. I.P. Abrol, New Delhi 2 Dr. N.N. Goswami, New Delhi 3 Dr. L.N. Mandal, Kalyani 4 Dr. N. Panda, Bhubaneswar
5. Dr. S.S. Prihar, Ludhiana 6 Dr. G.S. Sekhon, Ludhiana 7 Dr. Mahendra Singh, New Delhi 8 Dr. N.T. Singh, Ludhiana
9 Dr. S.B. Varade, Aurangabad            
10 Dr. S.S. Khanna, New Delhi 11 Dr. S.B. Sinha, Jabalpur 12 Dr. T.N. Choudhary, New Delhi 13 Dr. T.G. Sastry (Deceased), New Delhi

Shri Y.P. Bali (Deceased), New Delhi

15 Dr. O.P. Meelu, Ludhiana 16 Dr. P.N. Takkar, New Delhi 17

Dr. U.S. Sreeramulu, Coimbatore

18 Dr. Raj Pal, Hisar 19 Dr. G.V. Kothandaraman, Coimbatore 20 Dr. K.N. Tiwari, Gurgaon 21 . Dr. R. Sakal, Pusa

Dr. S.K. De Datta, Blacksburg (USA)

23 Dr. R.P. Dhir, Jodhpur 24 Dr. D.L. Deb, New Delhi 25 Dr. D.K. Das, New Delhi
26 Dr. M.S. Bajwa, Ludhiana 27 Dr. I.V. Subbarao, Hyderabad 28 Dr. Ranjodh Singh, Palampur 29 Dr. P.K. Chhonkar, New Delhi
30 Dr. Gautam Dev, Ludhiana 31 Dr. Chakrapani Misra, Bhubaneswar 32 Dr. Ram K. Gupta, Jabalpur 33 Dr. S.R. Poonia, Hisar
34 Dr. N.S. Pasricha, Gurgaon 35 Dr. Dr. C.L. Acharya, Bhopal 36 Dr. B.S. Sandhu, Ludhiana 37 Dr. H.R. Manchanda, Hisar
38 Dr. S.K. Mohanty, Cuttack            
39 Dr. S.M. Virmani, Hyderabad 40 Dr. S.K. Gupta, Kolkata 41 Dr. Y.N. Rao, Nelakondapalli (AP)    
42 Dr. R.P. Agrawal, Hisar 43 Mr. Y.P. Kalra, Edmonton (Canada) 44 Dr. M.S. Patel, Mehsana 45 Dr. G.U. Malewar, Parbhani
46 Dr. S.K. Ghosh, New Delhi 47 Dr. J.C. Katyal, Hyderabad        
48 Dr. V.S. Tomar, Sehore 49 Dr. V.K. Nayyar, Ludhiana 50 Dr. K.R. Sonar, Ahemadnagar 51 Dr. G. Narayanasamy, New Delhi
52 Dr. S.K. Banerjee, Jabalpur 53 Dr. A.P. Gupta, Hisar 54 Dr. Kunal Ghosh, Kolkata 55 Dr. A.K. Singh, New Delhi
56 Dr. Bijay Singh, Ludhiana 57 Dr. R.K. Rattan, New Delhi 58 Dr. J.S. Samra, New Delhi 59 Dr. M.S. Aulakh, Ludhiana
60 Dr. D.K. Pal, Nagpur 61 Dr. S.K. Sanyal, Kolkata 62 Dr. M.S. Brar, Ludhiana 63 Dr. N.K. Tomar, Hisar
64 Dr. Anand Swarup, Karnal 65 Dr. Sandipta Kar, Kharagpur 66 Dr. P.S. Minhas, Karnal 67 Dr. J.C. Tarafdar, Jodhpur
68 Dr. P. Singaram, Coimbatore 69 Dr. D.L.N. Rao, Bhopal 70 Dr. Dipak Sarkar, Kolkata 71 Dr. C.L. Arora, Ludhiana
72 Dr. R. Krishnasamy, Coimbatore 73 Dr. A.K. Sarkar, Ranchi 74 Dr. A. Sreenivasa Raju, Hyderabad 75 Dr. A. Subba Rao, Bhopal
76 Dr. Yadvinder-Singh, Ludhiana 77 Dr. S.C. Mehta, Hisar 78 Dr. K.S. Dhillon, Ludhiana    
79 Dr. Biswapati Mandal, Kalyani 80 Dr. D.D. Patra, Lucknow 81 Dr. Viraj Beri, Ludhiana 82

Dr. Abdul Rashid, Islamabad

83 Dr. Tapas Bhattacharya, Nagpur 84 Dr. P.D. Sharma, New Delhi 85 Dr. I.M. Chhibba, Ludhiana 86 Dr. Dhyan Singh, New Delhi

Dr. Pradeep K. Sharma, Palampur

88 Dr. D.K. Benbi, Ludhiana 89 Dr. S.C. Kotur, Bangalore 90

Dr. B.D. Sharma, Ludhiana

91 Dr. K.S. Dadhwal, Dehradun 92 Dr. M.C. Manna, Bhopal 93 Dr. K.L. Sharma, Hyderabad 94 Dr. S.S. Tomar, Jabalpur
95 Dr. G.S. Dasog, Dharwad 96 Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Nagpur 97 Dr Muneshwar Singh, Bhopal 98 Dr. B.K. Bandyopadhyay, Canning Town

Dr. Ravender Singh, New Delhi

100 Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao, Hyderabad 101 Dr. D.R. Biswas, New Delhi 102 Dr. D.K. Das, Kalyani
103 Dr. G.V. Lakshmi, Bapatla 104 Dr. Samaresh Kundu, Bhopal 105 Dr. Surendra Singh, Varanasi 106  Dr. Praveen Kumar, Jodhpur
107 Dr. A.K. Patra, New Delhi 108 Dr. S.K. Chaudhari, Karnal 109 Dr. Jagdish Prasad, Nagpur    
110. Dr. A.N. Ganeshamurthy, Bangalore 111. Dr. B.S. Dwivedi, New Delhi 112. Dr. Satish Kumar Singh, Varanasi 113. Dr. C.A. Srinivasamurthy, Bangalore
114. Dr. S.S. Kukal, Ludhiana 115. Dr. S.C. Datta, New Delhi 116. Dr. H.S. Thind, Ludhiana 117. Dr. K.M. Manjaiah, New Delhi
118. Dr. A.K. Biswas, Bhopal 119. Dr. Dilip Kumar Kundu, Barrackpore 120. Dr. Gouranga Kar, Bhubaneswar 121. Dr. Kishorbhai P. Patel, Anand
122. Dr. K.S. Reddy, Hyderabad 123. Dr. B.S. Brar, Ludhiana 124. Dr. Kaushik Majumdar, Gurugram 125. Dr. Madhumita Das, Bhubaneswar
126. Dr. P.L. Patil, Dharwad 127. Dr. A.K. Nayak, Cuttack 128. Dr. S.P. Datta, New Delhi 129. Dr. (Mrs.) Mausumi Raychaudhuri, Bhuabneswar
130. Dr. Balwant Singh, Australia 131. Dr. Arvind Kumar Shukla, Bhopal 132. Dr. Tapan Jyoti Purakayastha, New Delhi 133. Dr. R. Santhi, Coimbatore
134. Dr. K.K. Bandyopadhyay, New Delhi 135. Dr. Pradip Dey, Bhopal 136. Dr. N.B. Prakash, Bengaluru 137. Dr. Bapusaheb D. Bhakare, Rahuri
138. Dr. P.P. Mahendran, Madurai 139. Dr. M.V.S. Naidu, Pulivendula 140. Dr. R.M. Karmakar, Jorhat 141. Dr. S. K. Gangopadhyay, Kolkata
142. Dr. O.P. Choudhary, Ludhiana 143. Dr. D. Damodar Reddy, Hyderabad 144. Dr. Tapan Adhikari, Bhopal 145. Dr. Sanjib Kumar Behera, Bhopal


For nomination of the Fellowship, an individual must have been a sustaining Life Member or Member (not in arrears of subscription) for at least ten consecutive years. The nomination (six copies) will be made in each case at least by TWO Honorary Members/ Fellows in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or linked below). In a year, a Honorary Member/ Fellow can make not more than ONE nomination. Nomination once made shall remain valid for three years. The newly inducted Fellows shall be formally admitted at the Annual Convention and presented with a citation. For the year -------- the last date for receiving the nominations in the prescribed proforma at the Society’s office is ------.

Recipients of the 12th International Congress of Soil Science Commemoration Award

Year Name Year Name Year Name
1986 Dr. P.N. Takkar 1994 Dr. S.K. Sanyal 2002 Dr. Tapas Bhattacharyya
1987 Dr. D.K. Das 1995 Dr. M.S. Aulakh 2003 Dr. (Ms.) Chitralekha Chatterjee
1988 Dr. Gautam Dev 1996 Dr. Anand Swarup 2004 Dr. Biswapati Mandal
1989 Dr. C.L. Acharya 1997 Dr. D.K. Pal 2005 Dr. D.D. Patra
1990 Dr. B. Prasad 1998 Dr. P.S. Minhas 2006 Dr. M.C. Manna
1991 Dr. N.K. Tomar 1999 Dr. M.S. Brar 2007 Dr. S. Adhikari
1992 Dr. Kunal Ghosh 2000 Dr. D.L.N. Rao 2008 Not awarded
1993 Dr. P.S. Sidhu 2001 Dr. A.V. Rao 2009 Dr. Suresh Kumar Chaudhari
2010 Dr. D.K. Kundu 2011 Dr. S.P. Datta  2012  Dr. S.S. Kukal
2013 Dr. K. Sammi Reddy 2014 Dr. Tapan Adhikari  2015  Dr. K.K. Bandyopadhyay
2016 Dr. Pradip Dey 2017 Dr. D. Damodar Reddy 2018 Dr. Sanjib K. Behera
2019 Dr. Ranjan Bhattacharyya and Dr. Monoranjan Mohanty 2021 Dr. Debashis Chakraborty 2022 Dr. R.S. Chaudhary
2023 Dr. Ritesh Saha 2024 Dr. B.N. Ghosh


Applications for the Twelfth International Congress Commemoration Award are invited in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or linked below) from the members of the ISSS, irrespective of age for this award. Each applicant is required to furnish six copies of the application complete in all respect, giving evidence of creating a school of research, providing leadership and/ or making independent outstanding contribution in any branch of Soil Science.

The Awardee shall be honoured with a gold-plated medal and a citation at the Annual Convention of ISSS. For the year ------- the last date of receiving the applications in the prescribed proforma complete in all respects in the headquarters of the Society is -----

ISSS–Dr. J.S.P. Yadav Memorial Award for Excellence in Soil Science

       1. Drs B. S. Dwivedi, V. K. Singh and Arvind K. Shukla

       2. Drs A. K. Biswas, K. M. Hati, S. Ramana and A. B. Singh

       3. Drs Anil R. Chinchmalatpure, A. K. Nayak and G. Gururaja Rao

       4. Drs. N. P. S. Yaduvanshi and D. R. Sharma

       5. Drs. Rajeev Srivastava and M. S. S. Nagaraju

       6. Drs. Pramod Jha, Brij Lal Lakaria and Ritesh Saha

       7. Dr. Sanjay Arora

       8. Dr. O. P. Choudhary

       9. Dr. N. K. Lenka and Dr. Sangeeta Lenka

       10. Dr. Jayaraman Somasundaram (Team Leader) and Dr. P. Raja

       11. Dr. S.S. Dhaliwal

       12. Dr. Santosh Ranjan Mohanty (Team Leader)

       13. Dr. B.B. Basak and Dr. A.K. Bhardwaj


Applications for the ISSS–Dr. J.S.P. Yadav Memorial Award for Excellence in Soil Science are invited in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or downloadable from http://isss-india.org/images/doc_file/Dryadav.pdf)from the members of the ISSS or the team in the area of basic/ applied aspects of soil science for sustainable high productivity. In case of the team one of the members shall be the active member of the ISSS. Each applicant is required to furnish six copies of the application complete in all respects, giving a concise account (not more than 500 words) of the work supported by a documentary evidence of the excellence of the work by the best five original research papers published in not less than three different peer-review journals of repute, and also a brief description of (a) products developed and patent(s) granted/ commercialized, and (b) viable technologies developed in India or any other well-recognized international organization based in India.

The Awardee shall be honoured with a gold-plated medal and a citation at the Annual Convention of ISSS. For the year ------- the last date of receiving the applications in the prescribed proforma complete in all respects in the headquarters of the Society is -----

Prof. Sant Singh Memorial Award for Excellence in Education and Research in Soil Science

       1. Dr. V.R. Ramakrishna Parama

       2. Dr. N.B. Prakash

       3. Dr. M.V.S. Naidu

       4. Dr. P.P. Mahendran

       5. Dr. T. Chikkaramappa

       6. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma

       7. Dr. P. Balasubramaniam

       8. Dr. M.C. Meena

       9. Dr. Amitava Rakshit


Applications for the Prof. Sant Singh Memorial Award for Excellence in Education and Research in Soil Science are invited in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or downloadable from http://isss-india.org/images/doc_file/Profsingh.pdf) from the members of the ISSS. Each applicant is required to furnish six copies of the application complete in all respects, giving a concise account of the work (not more than 500 words each for teaching and research) supported by documentary evidence in the form of: (a) For the assessment of teaching: A certificate from Dean/Director of the Faculty/Institute authenticating contribution of the applicant in development /revision of course curriculum, copies of teaching materials like books, book chapters, manuals, models, bulletins, technical folders, e-courses, e-lectures developed, list of courses taught at UG/PG levels, number of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students supervised and quality of students/human resources as evident by their placements; and (b) For the assessment of research: Best five original research papers published in not less than three different peer-review journals of repute.

The Golden Jubilee Commemoration Young Scientist Award

Year Name Year Name Year Name
1988 Dr. Pradeep K. Sharma 1995 - 2002 Dr. K. Sammi Reddy
1989 - 1996 - 2003 Dr. (Ms.) T.R. Rupa
1990 Dr. A.N. Ganeshamurthy 1997 Dr. Ch. Srinivasa Rao 2004

Dr. Tapan Adhikari

1991 Dr. Biswapati Mandal 1998 Dr. Himanshu Pathak 2005 Dr. Arvind Kumar Shukla
1992 Dr. R.M. Bhagat 1999 Dr. R. Dinesh 2006 Dr. K.M. Hati
1993 - 2000 Dr. Vinod Kumar Phogat 2007 Dr. Gouranga Kar
1994 Dr. O.P. Choudhary 2001 Dr. D. Damodar Reddy 2008 Dr. Manoranjan Mohanty
2009 Dr. Uttam Kumar Mandal 2010 Dr. Ranjan Bhattacharyya 2011 Dr. Pramod Jha
2012 Dr. Ritesh Saha 2013 Dr. N.K. Lenka 2014 Dr. Sanjib K. Behera
2015 Dr. M.C. Meena 2016 Dr. S.K. Datta 2017 Dr. Biraj Bandhu Basak
2018 Dr. Mohammad Shahid 2019 Dr. M.L. Dotaniya 2021 Dr. Dibyendu Chatterjee
2022 Dr. Nirmalendu Basak
2023 Dr. Nintu Mandal and Dr. Gopal Ramdas Mahajan
2024 Dr. Ashim Datta and Dr. Bappa Paramanik


The Golden Jubilee Commemoration Young Scientist Award, given annually to an individual in recognition of his/ her professional contributions in Soil Science, is open to members of the ISSS who are not more than 40 years of age as on 31st December of that year. The work done for any degree or diploma by the applicant shall not be considered within the purview of the contributions in judging the award. Eligible members of the ISSS can apply (six copies complete sets) for this award in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or linked below). The awardee shall be honoured with a gold-plated medal and a citation at the Annual Convention. For the year ----- the last date of receipt of applications in the prescribed proforma complete in all respects in the headquarters of the Society is ------.

ISSS Best Doctoral Research Presentation Award


A recipient of Doctoral degree in Soil Science, irrespective of age and membership of ISSS is eligible to apply for this award in the prescribed proforma (obtainable from ISSS office or linked below). For the year 2009, that person should have either completed all the requirements so as to become eligible for the award of Doctoral degree (or received Doctoral degree) of a University (recognized by the University Grants Commission) or an Institute/ Organization (conferred with the status of 'Deemed to be University' in India) any time between 1st July 2008 and 30th June 2009 (both days inclusive).

The Indian Society of Soil Science Zonal Awards


This contest is open to candidates in India, irrespective of the fact whether they are members of the ISSS or not, but fulfilling the following essential requirements.
* Must be a Master's degree holder in Soil Science from a recognized university or an institute/ organization deemed to be university in India.
* Must have specialized in Soil Science and/ or Agricultural Chemistry at the Master's degree level.
* Must have submitted a Thesis/ Dissertation in partial/ full requirement of the Master's degree.
* Must have completed all the requirements so as to become eligible for the award of Master's degree or received the Master's degree any time during the period from 1st July 2008 to 30th June 2009 (both days inclusive) for the year 2009.
The intending applicants are required to submit their applications in the prescribed proforma (supplied by ISSS office on request or linked below) to ISSS for the year 2009 on or before 4th August 2009. The contestants shall be required to make available a copy of their theses/ dissertations to the Judging Committee at the time of contest for consultation.

Dr. S.P. Raychaudhuri Gold Medal

The lecture instituted in 1990 out of a donation received by ISSS will be arranged by a Chapter of ISSS as identified by the Council each year. The Chapter so identified will select the Speaker in consultation with President and Secretary of ISSS; fix the date, time and venue of lecture and arrange for the boarding and lodging of the speaker. Travelling allowance to the Speaker can be paid by the Chapter, provided it is certified by the Speaker that the same is not claimed from any other source. To meet expenses financial support as fixed by the Council will be given by the ISSS to the Organizing Chapter.

Best Poster Presentation Awards

To encourage and foster competition and to recognize excellence in poster presentations made in the Annual Convention of ISSS, not more than three “Best Poster Presentation Awards” is given in a year on the recommendation of a judging Committee constituted for this purpose during the Annual Convention itself.

Copyright © Indian Society of Soil Science, India